Who We Are
A Friendly Christian Family
At SUMC we value and respect all of God’s people. We want
each and every person who enters God’s house to feel that
they are welcome and they find SUMC as a place where they
belong. We seek to provide a creative and supportive fellowship
in Jesus Christ.
Sharing Christian Love and Support
We believe God has called us to love one another, sharing each
other’s burdens and joys. We invite you to join us and share with
us the challenge and adventure of following Jesus Christ.
Focus on Prayer
As a biblically-based church, we are a praying people who believe that prayer effects real change in our lives and our world. Through prayer, we seek to continue to grow in our knowledge of Jesus Christ, to serve Him, to grow spiritually and daily seek to do His will.
Community Outreach
Reaching out with our Christian witness and community service has been important to our Christian teachings at SUMC for nearly 200 years. Our mission is to know Jesus Christ, to grow as his people and to lead others to embrace Him. To fulfill our mission, we serve our congregation, our local community and beyond through a variety of individual initiatives and sponsored organizations.